John Howard Society Services available in Newfoundland & Labrador

The John Howard Society of Newfoundland and Labrador is a community-based organization composed of, and governed by, individuals whose goal is to understand and respond to crime and its consequences. We are a voluntary, non-profit agency that provides counselling, residential, employment and related services to adult and youth ex-offenders. It is a registered charity that serves to encourage the development and maintenance of a just, humane and effective response to the causes and consequences of crime.

Institutional Support Line

The John Howard Society of Newfoundland and Labrador has a support line available to inmates, their families, correctional staff and community members to ask questions about the criminal justice system, community supports and resources.

Residential Facilities

  • Howard House

    Howard House is a 16 bed community residential center in St. John’s, Newfoundland, for adult men or individuals identifying as male on day parole, full… Read More

  • West Bridge House

    West Bridge House is a 14 bed gender diverse community residential center for adults on day parole, full parole, statutory release, a temporary release, or… Read More

  • Home For Youth

    The Home for Youth (HFY) is a four-bed gender diverse Open Custody home that provided 24-hour care to youth age 12 to 17 who are… Read More

  • Loretta Bartlett Home For Youth

    The Loretta Bartlett Home for Youth is a gender diverse six bed facility for youth sentenced to a period of Open Custody or an Order to Reside. Read More

  • Garrison Place

    Garrison Place is a place to call home. It is open to individuals 18+ who are referred through Coordinated Access with End Homelessness St. John’s. Read More

Intervention Programs

Interventions are delivered using a trauma informed approach and designed to provide support, education and new coping strategies addressing intimate partner violence, trauma and addictions, positive parenting, emotional regulation, positive non-criminogenic behavior, impaired driving awareness and sexual offences.

Employment Programs

Prison In-Reach Programs

Community Programs

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How you can help

The John Howard Society depends on public involvement. All levels of the organization – from local to national – are governed by voluntary Boards of Directors. Volunteers are extensively involved in the direct service work of the Society. Many also support the work of the John Howard Society through donations.