Home For Youth
The Home for Youth (HFY) is a four-bed gender diverse Open Custody home that provided 24-hour care to youth age 12 to 17 who are sentenced under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA). All referrals to the HFY come from the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development (CSSD).
Contact Lucretia Brown, Coordinator
(709) 364-1330
(709) 364-1306

General Program Description
The Home for Youth provides a supportive, structured homelike environment to youth sentenced under the YCJA. HFY strive to meet the needs of youth through fostering a caring relationship, which enables staff to provide effective, evidenced based interventions to youth. All programs and interventions at HFY model a strengths based approach to practice with a goal to help reduce recidivism rates and promote the best possible outcomes for youth after they return to their community. Programs are designed for youth to take responsibility for their decisions, actions and behaviours through promotion of pro-social behaviour. The various in house programs offer life skills training required in day-to-day living, daily recreation, weekly case management sessions that focus on the youths strengths goals and objectives, weekly discussion groups covering topics such as job research, resume writing, self-awareness, conflict resolution, and interpersonal skills. As well, our youth avail of mental health, addictions and educational services offered by our community partners.
Community Partners
The Home for Youth maintains close relationships with many community partners with an ongoing commitment to youth, restorative justice, education and employment. These resources include the Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development (CSSD), Department of Justice, Choices for Youth, Pre-trial Services, Good Life Fitness, Thrive, Service Canada, Eastern School District, Waypoints and the John Howard Society’s Next Steps, Employment Services Programs.
Staff Resources
- Coordinator
- 4 Full-time Counsellors
- 2 Part-time Counsellors
- 2 Overnight Supervisors
- Relief Counsellors